
If you are new to the Camas School District (CSD) or have a child starting school for the first time, welcome! If your child previously attended school in the Camas School District but is currently inactive, welcome back! We look forward to registering your students. We are currently registering all students for the 2024-2025 school year. Please read all the information below in preparation for the registration process.

¡Bienvenidas!  Добро пожаловать!  

Si es nuevo en el distrito escolar de Camas o tiene un niño que comienza la escuela por primera vez, ¡bienvenido! Si su hijo asistió previamente al distrito escolar de Camas pero está inactivo en este momento, ¡bienvenido nuevamente! Esperamos con gusto inscribir a sus estudiantes. Si su familia habla un idioma que no sea inglés y necesita asistencia para completar la inscripción, envíe un correo electrónico o llame a Maria Spencer a maria.spencer@camas.wednet.edu o al 360.833.5410.

Если Вы недавно переехали в школьный округ Камас или Ваш ребенок впервые идет в школу, добро пожаловать!  Если Ваш ребенок ранее посещал какие-либо учебные заведения на территории школьного округа Камас, но в настоящее время их не посещает, мы рады снова приветствовать Вас!  С нетерпением ждем регистрации Ваших учащихся! Если члены Вашей семьи говорят на языке, отличном от английского, и им необходима какая-либо помощь для прохождения регистрации, отправьте электронное письмо Марии Спенсер по адресу maria.spencer@camas.wednet.edu или позвоните ей по телефону 360-833-5410.

熱烈歡迎新搬到卡馬斯學區 (Camas School District) 或子女即將達到入學年齡的家長蒞臨! 熱烈歡迎子女曾在卡馬斯學區 (Camas School District) 上學但目前尚未給子女註冊的家長回到學區! 我們期待為您的子女註冊。如果您的家庭講英語以外的語言並需要幫助完成註冊,請傳送電子郵件至 maria.spencer@camas.wednet.edu 或致電 360.833.5410 聯絡 Maria Spencer。

如果您新搬来卡马斯学区 (Camas School District),或您有孩子正值入学年龄,欢迎您! 如果您的孩子曾就读于卡马斯学区 (Camas School District),但目前未在此学区注册,欢迎回来! 我们期待为您的孩子注册。如果您的家庭不说英语,需要帮助以完成注册,请发送电子邮件至 maria.spencer@camas.wednet.edu 或致电 360.833.5410 联系 Maria Spencer。

Nếu quý vị là người mới với Học Khu Camas hoặc có con trẻ bắt đầu đi học lần đầu tiên, chào mừng quý vị!  Nếu con quý vị trước đây đã theo học tại Học Khu Camas nhưng hiện không theo học, xin chào mừng quý vị trở lại!  Chúng tôi mong muốn đăng ký cho các học sinh của quý vị. Nếu gia đình quý vị nói một ngôn ngữ khác ngoài Tiếng Anh và cần hỗ trợ để hoàn tất việc đăng ký, vui lòng gửi email hoặc gọi cho Maria Spencer theo địa chỉ maria.spencer@camas.wednet.edu hoặc số điện thoại 360.833.5410.


Student Registrations received after 4:00 PM on Tuesday, August 27th may not be processed in time to start school on the first day. We are working as quickly as possible to process the high volume of enrollments.
Once processed, you will receive a welcome email from Central Registration. After, your school will confirm your start date and communicate with families regarding teacher placement and scheduling.


Registering your Child for School

Camas School District uses the Qmlativ system’s Family Access to process new student enrollment. Below, please review the documents and information necessary to register.

    • Medically verified immunization records*
    • Birth certificate or passport (Preschool, Kindergarten and First Grade Students)**
    • Two proof of residency documents from our accepted document list. Driver’s licenses ARE NOT accepted
      • Current payroll check stub with name and address (not a personal check)
      • Government check
      • Address Confidentiality Program Letter stating attendance area school
      • Redacted 1099 or W-2 (amounts and Social Security number blacked out)
      • Government correspondence (Washington state or federal government)
      • Renter or homeowner’s policy declaration page
      • Current utility bill (water, sewer, gas, or electric) Must be dated within 60 days of today’s date.
      • Unexpired signed lease agreement
      • Closing documents (Final Settlement/Closing Statement)
      • Unofficial Transcript (High School only)
      • Withdrawal/Checkout Grades if during the school year (Middle & High Schools only)
      • Most recent report card
      • Special Programs documents (IEP, 504, highly capable)




After obtaining the necessary information, please use the links below to access online registration.

  • If you currently have students enrolled in our district, and are enrolling a sibling or other students, you can log into your Qmlativ account (using the same Skyward username/password that you used last year) and choose “New Student Online Enrollment” in your Family Access menu.
  • If you are NEW to Camas, and do not have an account, please select “New Student Enrollment and Qmlativ Account Request.”


* Immunization Records

All children attending schools in Washington state must provide medically verified Immunization Records. Students who do not receive the required immunizations or provide exemption information will not have their registration processed and be excluded from school.

Click here for a list of all state required immunizations for students in schools in the state of Washington for each school year.

Vaccines Given in Washington State

  • You can access the provider-verified certificate on the Washington State Immunization Information System. Once you create an account on Washington MyIR, you will be able to access the certificate at any time.
  • Ask your clinic or provider to fax or mail the vaccine report to you. You may also pick this up from the provider’s office.
  • Access immunizations through MyChart or MyHealth. Make sure the printout includes your child’s name and date of birth.

Vaccines Given Outside of Washington State

Ask your clinic or provider fax or mail the vaccine report to you or the Central Registration office.

  • Transfer your child’s immunizations on to a Washington State Certificate of Immunization (CIS). It must be signed by your medical provider and dated and submitted to Central Registration. Please also upload the original vaccine record.


If you request an exemption from one or more of the immunization requirements, you must provide a completed Certificate of Exemption.

**Birth Certificate

To request a Washington State issued birth certificate, click here. For all other states, we suggest searching for the state’s name plus birth certificate in your favorite search engine to find the process to request one.


You must read and sign the Residency Verification Affidavit form in the registration packet as part of the registration process. Misrepresentation of residency information or failure to follow through with the statements in the affidavit will result in student withdrawal from the district.

If you have questions regarding the registration process, please email CSD.Registrar@camas.wednet.edu.