What Is Transition to Kindergarten?
“Smart Start” is a new transition-to-kindergarten program for Camas School District, with our next session beginning October 1, 2024. It allows students who have not had access to preschool programs to start learning kindergarten skills early. This extended experience gives students time to adjust to their new environment and work on their social and academic readiness skills. They will then start a full year of kindergarten the following year. Enrollment is currently limited to 18 students.
The program is offered at no cost and serves students who:
- Will be five years old by Aug. 31, 2025
- Have not attended preschool or another early-learning program
- Live in the Camas School District (transportation is available only to students who live within the boundaries of Grass Valley Elementary)
Parent Information Night
We will have an informational meeting for interested families on Thursday, May 9, from 6 to 7 PM at Grass Valley Elementary, 3000 NW Grass Valley Drive, in Camas.
Key Dates
May 9, 6-7 PM | Parent Information Night |
May 10 | Application window opens |
May 20 | Application window closes |
May 24 | Program leaders begin contacting families |
June 6-11 | Student screening |
June 17 | Families notified of admissions decisions |
October 1 | School starts |
How to Apply
We will accept applications through an online form (below) and will notify families of admission decisions in late June. We have limited space, and applying does not guarantee admission or enrollment. Once a student is accepted to the program, the family must register their student with the Camas School District by Sept. 13, 2024. Classes begin October 1, 2024.
All applicants will undergo a screening process to ensure they meet the program’s requirements. Admissions will be prioritized based on need, including a student:
- Lacking access to a licensed preschool experience (due to income, availability, or other hardship)
- Qualifying for free/reduced meals
- Qualifying for bilingual education/support
- Showing lagging social or academic skills during the screening process
Please note this link will be active only during the designated application window.
Where and when are classes held?
The program is based at Grass Valley Elementary, 3000 NW Grass Valley Drive, in Camas. It will follow the elementary school calendar and schedule, with classes beginning at 8 AM and dismissing at 2:30 PM. On Wednesdays, all elementary schools dismiss at 12:10 PM.
How will my student get to school?
Students who live within the Grass Valley boundary and qualify for CSD transportation services have the option of riding the bus to and from school. Families enrolling a student who lives outside of the Grass Valley boundary will be responsible for providing their own transportation to and from school.
What if I am interested in the program but live outside of the Grass Valley boundary?
All students who will turn 4 prior to August 31, 2024, and who live in the Camas School District boundary can apply to the Smart Start program. Priority will be given to students who are experiencing a barrier to accessing Kindergarten preparation.
How many students will be admitted to the program?
We currently have room to accept 18 students this year.
How does the screening process work for admitting students?
- Applicants will be contacted starting in late May to set up screening appointments.
- Screening appointments will occur June 6-11
- Screening appointments will last approximately 20 minutes
- Students will be screened 1:1 by a Smart Start teacher using developmental pre-academic screening materials
- Parents will complete a whole child inventory during the student screening session