Camas School District offers several non-cut sports and competitive athletic programs starting at the middle school level.
Middle School Sports
Odyssey Middle School students can participate in athletics programs at their home school. Transportation is provided.
- Fall Sports I: Coed Track & Field 6/7/8, Boys Cross Country 6/7/8
- Fall Sports II: Girls Volleyball 7/8, Boys Soccer 6/7/8
- Winter Sports I: Boys Basketball 7/8, Girls Soccer 6/7/8
- Winter Sports II: Coed Wrestling 6/7/8, Girls Basketball 7/8
- Spring Sports: Girls Cross Country 6/7/8, Football 8
High School Sports
Hayes Freedom High School and Discovery High School students can participate in CHS athletics programs. Transportation is provided.
- Fall: Cheer Team, Football, Boys Golf, Boys Tennis, Girls Slow Pitch Softball, Girls Soccer, Girls Swimming, Volleyball, Cross Country
- Winter: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Girls Bowling, Dance Team, Gymnastics, Boys Swimming, Wrestling
- Spring: Baseball, Girls Golf, Girls Tennis, Boys Soccer, Softball, Track & Field
Student-athletes must have a current physical, which is good for two years from the date of the exam, a concussion form, and a medical emergency form. Additionally, they must have purchased his/her ASB card and paid the athletic fee before the first practice.
All registrations are taken online. Click here for information.
Medication: All students needing medications at school or during activities must have the Authorization for Administration of Medication form completed by a licensed health care provider and their parent/legal guardian. The medication forms must be turned in to the building nurse.
Eligibility: To participate in a high school sport, student-athletes must meet Camas School District’s scholastic and conduct requirements.
Fall Eligibility: The last grading period of the previous school year determines whether a student is eligible to participate in fall sports. As such, the eligibility of incoming ninth-graders depends on their third-trimester grades from middle school.
Grade Requirements: Student–athletes must end the school year with a grade point average of at least 2.0 and no more than one failed class.
Probation: Student-athletes who are academically ineligible will be placed on academic probation and disallowed from participating in competition. The Handbook provides more information on probation.
Conduct: Please review the full guidelines for student-athlete conduct in the Camas School District Athletic Handbook
Students across the district have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities headed up by our incredible staff and volunteers.
Elementary School Activities
- Robotics
- Science Olympiad
- Coding
- Crossing Guards
Middle School Activities
Project-Based Learning students can take part in athletics programs at their home school. Transportation is provided.
- Robotics
- Science Olympiad
- Coding
- Knowledge Bowl
- Theatre
- Choir
- Band
High School Activities
Hayes Freedom High School students can take part in athletics programs at CHS. Transportation is provided.
- Robotics
- Science Olympiad
- Coding
- Key Club
- Knowledge Bowl
- Theatre
- Choir
- Band
- Mock trial