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Chromebook Q & A

Assurance Program Form

One: World Initiative

One way we intend to support the Camas School District’s mission is with our “One: World” initiative. It’s pronounced “one to world” and it sums up our goal to connect each student (“one”) with the world around them through technology. We are investing in our future leaders and continuing to create a digital-age learning culture by deploying Chromebook™ notebook computers to students in grades 6 and 9 in the fall of 2016. These devices are for use at both home and school. This process will be repeated annually (contingent upon the passage of our next district technology levy) so that by the fall of 2019, all students in grades 6–12 will have been issued a device. Additionally, shared classroom devices will still be available to all students in grades K–5.

One: World Implementation

With the privilege of access comes the responsibility of access. To help make this transition successful for all, we ask that parents and students take time to read through the Policies, Best Practices, and Assurance Program together, to create discussion about best practices for your individual home.

A copy of the policies and best practices must be signed by both students and parents and returned to the student’s school before devices can be checked out.

Assurance Program

The Chromebook Assurance Program is optional and provides an inexpensive solution for families to lessen the financial burden if an accident or theft occurs. While the insurance is not mandatory, the return of the signed form is required before a Chromebook is issued.

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Chromebook Q & A