Mary and Gary Tipton were a presence on the Camas School Board from 2005 to 2016. During that time, the school district experienced tremendous growth in numbers and also in programs and opportunities for students. Leadership from the Tipton’s was instrumental to that growth. In honor of their service, the Tipton Professional Learning Legacy Scholarship Fund has been established to recognize & support staff with assistance for tuition and/or fees in professional learning that demonstrates leadership and significantly impacts the district.
Annual Recipients
- Tonia Albert
- Kendall De Vera
- Jennifer Fennerl
- Cody Lane
- Tonia Albert
- Emily Boyd
- Shawenee Davis
- Michelle Fitzgerald
- Jackie Graue
- Elyse Hoover
- Sherab Osugi
- Natalie Sanders
- Michelle Collins
- Rebecca Farrester Milligan
- Michelle Fitzgerald
- Brian Graham
- Evan Lustig
- Billie Jo McEathron
- Johsua Rule
- Stephanie Sharp
- Sean Tamura
- Sabrina Crabtree
- Melissa Butler
- Shannon Larsen
- Brady Miletich
- Kim Ritter
- Jennifer Rodriguez
- Colleen Rush
- Jeannette Beaver
- Alixandra Coker
- Amanda Curtis
- Jane Johnson
- Jenn Scott
- Kayla Walker
- Jarred Jackman
- Darci Jones
- Cheryl Krohnert/Gretchen Kendrick
- Evan Lustig
- Paula Perkins
- Kim Ritter
- Heath Sejkora
- Woodburn Team: Melissa Dolan, Cathy Raunig, Kim Allen, Sabrina Crabtree
- Amber Beardmore
- Michelle Fitzgerald
- Myca Johnson
- Sarah Widdop
- Sam Greene
- Katrina Bergeson
- Sharon Loniewski
- Katherine Cochran
- Kyle O’Keefe
- Melissa Hutton
- Stewart Tyler Morgan