
What is Skyward?

Skyward is a student information system that allows students, staff, and parents to input and access grades, calendars, homework, and more. Skyward Family Access is available to all families of students. Take Me to Skyward.

How Do I Sign Up for Skyward?

All parents and guardians are automatically signed up for Skyward Family Access, and their Login ID and Password are emailed in August. Additionally, students receive a Login ID and password in sixth grade so they can monitor their own assignments and outcomes.

Help—I’m Having Trouble!
  • If you’ve lost your Login ID and/or password, Use the Forgot Your Login/Password? link on the Skyward Login page. You’ll be prompted to enter your email address or username. If it matches the email or username the district has on file; you will be sent an email containing your Login ID and a link for resetting your password.
  • If you’ve received an “invalid login or password” message or have been locked out of your account, please contact a district registrar to reset the student, parent, or staff account.
  • If you need your language changed in Skyward, follow these instructions.

Communication Preferences

How Do I Stay Informed?

Camas School District uses a communications service called ParentSquare to keep in touch with families. This service helps us send announcements, school newsletters, and district news via email, phone, and text messages.

How Do I Sign Up?

All parents and guardians are automatically signed up to receive notifications when their student registers to attend Camas School District. Community members can sign up to receive notifications by contacting the public information officer.

Help—I’m Having Trouble!
  • If you aren’t receiving notifications, please complete our contact form and indicate your student’s name, phone number, email address, and/or cell number (for texts) where you should be contacted.
  • If you need to update your contact info, Please contact a district registrar at or 360-833-5410.
  • If you’ve lost your Login ID and/or password, please contact a district registrar at or 360-833-5410.
  • If you’re a community member receiving calls by accident, please complete our contact form and indicate the phone number we should remove.


We’ve Gone Green!

Camas School District uses an electronic flyer distribution program called Peachjar, which replaces paper flyers. Through Peachjar, each school can send e-flyers to its families, and outside organizations can send approved e-flyers to all families in the district. These e-flyers are also posted on each school’s website for at least one month. Look for the Peachjar link on your school’s website.

How Do I Sign Up?

When their student registers to attend Camas School District, all parents and guardians are automatically signed up to receive PeachJar e-flyers.

Help—I’m Having Trouble!
  • If you’re not receiving emails from Peachjar, your email address might not be on file with your school, or they’re ending up in your spam folder. To make sure your email address is on file, ask your school office to add your email address to the District Contact Form. To stop e-flyers from becoming spam, add to your contacts.
  • If you can’t see images in the PeachJar emails, emails are likely going into your spam folder. To stop e-flyers from becoming spam, add to your contacts. When you receive your first e-flyer, click “Always display images.”
  • If you still need help, visit PeachJar’s Parent FAQ page or contact the public information officer.

You can also visit the FAQ below for other instructions on adding your email address to the Peachjar distribution list or resetting your password.

Flyer Distribution Process

Instructions for Schools and Parent Clubs

Your school’s Peachjar Site Administrator can upload flyers to the school’s Peachjar account. You can send your flyers to the Site Admin for uploading. The Site Admin is also in charge of assigning uploading privileges to others. Please contact that individual if you would like to request uploading privileges. Once uploading privileges are assigned to you, an auto-generated email is sent to you with your username and password.

IMPORTANT:  Read the CSD Flyer Approval Policy and Procedure

  1. Visit the Peachjar Registration Page
  2. Register as an Enrichment Provider (account type)
  3. Upload your flyer for approval
Instructions for Outside Organizations

Our district cooperates with community groups and organizations that sponsor educational/enrichment activities for students by distributing materials electronically via Peachjar to district families. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer delivery.

To request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to all parents and posted online. Paper flyers from outside organizations will no longer be distributed.

IMPORTANT:  Read the CSD Flyer Approval Policy and Procedure

  1. Visit the Peachjar Registration Page
  2. Register as an Enrichment Provider (account type)
  3. Upload your flyer for approval
  4. Your flyer will automatically be submitted to the district office. District staff will review the material and approve or deny based on the standards described below. Peachjar charges outside organizations a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost of copying and delivering paper flyers to each school.


Parents now have the opportunity to view their student’s lunch purchase history and current balance and make credit card deposits online. To create your mPower account, you will need your student’s ID number. This number is viewable in Skyward Family Access under the Student Info tab. Having trouble? Contact Tamara Westmoreland at 360-833-5768 or

Go to and follow these steps:

Step 1:   Create a online parent account

  • Click on the “Create new account” link
  • Enter a Username and Password. The Username and Password must be at least six characters. For example, Username: jsmith  Password: pty845

Step 2:   Add Students

  • Log in to your online account using the Username and Password that you created in Step 1
  • Click on Add New Student
  • Choose Washington and Camas School District
  • Choose your child’s school
  • Enter the child’s first name and ID number, which can be found in your Skyward Family Access account under the Student Info tab on the left side. The student ID number starts with 09XXXX.
  • Repeat the process to add more students to your account if needed
  • Click Back to Home when you are finished adding students

Step 3:

  To Make a Deposit

  • Click on the Make Deposit link to deposit funds into the account
  • PLEASE NOTE: There is a charge of 5% per transaction and a minimum deposit amount of $20 when using this service

  To View Balance and Purchase History

  • Click on View Details next to your student’s name. The balance will appear in the Student Details section. To view purchase history, choose the month you wish to view from the drop-down menu.

If you have any questions, please contact Tamara Westmoreland at 360-335-3000, ext. 79094, or