Career Technical Education (CTE) is an academic pathway based on academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training available to Camas School District high school students. The CTE environment blends core academics with real-world relevance, readying students for opportunities beyond the classroom walls.

Several programs offered throughout Camas School District full under the category of CTE, including Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math experiences such as Robotics, Science Olympiad, and Coding.

Middle School CTE

Program Description: Students in middle school can enjoy courses in coding, robotics, and general technology.

Who can participate (What grades & what schools): State CTE funding extends to seventh and eighth grade.

When this program is available (if not all year):

Where this program is available (if different than a student’s home school):

How To Get Involved: Students choose CTE courses based on their interests.

Links to other school pages (if you think these are needed or helpful):

High School CTE

Program Description: The Camas School District offers a myriad of CTE courses that expose students to a wide-variety of career fields. Students may choose to focus on a specific career strand and earn industry recognized certifications, technical preparation, and college credit. All students who graduate from the Camas School District exit with 21st Century skills and career readiness skills.

Who can participate (What grades & what schools): Students at all of our high school offerings have the opportunity to participate.

When this program is available (if not all year):

Where this program is available (if different than a student’s home school):

How To Get Involved:

Links to other school pages (if you think these are needed or helpful):

For more on CTE in Camas School District, click here.