The Camas School District offers benefits through The School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program. The program administers health insurance and other benefits to all employees in school districts and charter schools and union-represented employees of educational service districts in Washington.

The School Employees Benefits Board (SEB Board) studies, designs, and approves comprehensive and cost-effective insurance benefits plans for school employees and establishes eligibility criteria for participation in these plans. The SEB Board is separate and independent from the Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB).

About SEBB (School Employee Benefits Board):

School Employee Information:

Log-In to your Benefits 24/7 account:

SEBB FAQs: Coming soon! 

Questions? Please email Jondi Harris at or call 360-355-3000 extension 78997.

Contact the Plans

You should contact the plans directly when you have questions about:

  • Benefit details (including Rx coverage)
  • Finding a doctor or dentist
  • ID cards
  • Copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, or claims
  • Health plan complaints or appeals
  • Using the plan’s website

Find the phone numbers and websites of the plan you wish to contact.