Camas School District continues to innovate to meet the growing needs of our students while balancing the increasing costs associated with these needs. We are not alone in this dilemma, as many school districts around the state find themselves in a similar, difficult financial position – with costs and needs exceeding funding from the state.
Major factors impacting school budgets, including ours, are: the cost of providing special education services exceeds the funding we get from the state and federal governments; student needs have grown and changed, yet the money to support these needs is going away, even though support is still needed; and costs for the things school districts need to operate has skyrocketed, yet the funding the state provides for these necessities has not kept up.
This website,, from the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA), helps to put the scope of our state’s K-12 education challenges in context. This resource clearly explains the issues creating financial pressure on K-12 school districts and the need for state funding allocations to reflect these increasing costs.
Core Funding FAQs