Timeline of Activities: 2020 CEA Bargaining (completed)
District and the CEA Bargaining Team solidified both a three-year collective bargaining agreement as well as a memorandum of understanding in August.
District and the CEA Bargaining Team continue to engage in negotiation discussions. The next session is scheduled for July 28, 2020.
Multiple tentative agreements have been reached. The next session is scheduled for June 24, 12:30-4:30 p.m.
District leaders presented the management proposal to the CEA Bargaining Team. The next session is scheduled for May 15, 2020.
The CEA and District negotiations team met this afternoon, and CEA leadership completed presenting their proposal. The next meeting is scheduled for May 1, during which the District team will present their proposal.
An initial negotiation session was held via Zoom on April 8, 2020. CEA leaders began to share their proposals. Our next Zoom meeting is scheduled for April 16, 1-4:00 p.m.
Timeline of Activities: 2020 CAEOP Bargaining (completed)
District and the CAEOP Bargaining Team solidified both a three-year collective bargaining agreement as well as a memorandum of understanding in August.
District and the CAEOP Bargaining Team continue to engage in negotiation discussions. The next session currently not scheduled.
Multiple tentative agreements have been reached. The next session is scheduled for June 23, 3:30-7:00 p.m.
Business Services Director Jasen McEathron presented an overview of budgeting for the 2020-21 school year. Multiple tentative agreements about contract language proposed by the CAEOP Bargaining Team were reached.
While scheduled as a bargaining session, this meeting was used for separate team caucuses. The next session is scheduled for May 8, 2020.
The negotiations team met on April 14. CAEOP leadership team presented its proposal. The next meeting is scheduled for April 24, 2020.
Timeline of Activities: PSE (completed)
District and the PSE Bargaining Team solidified both a three-year collective bargaining agreement as well as a memorandum of understanding in August.
Timeline of Activities: SEBB (completed)
Following negotiations that began in October, CEA, CAEOP, and District leadership have reached agreement on requests to provide unspent medical premiums from December 2019 in the form of health benefit dollars for these employees through a VEBA medical spending account. This will be effective with the March 2020 payroll.
Timeline of Activities: 2019 CCA Bargaining (completed)
Tentative agreements reached on all contract language and adjusted salary schedule. Ratification to be scheduled within the next two weeks by union leadership. This will be followed by school board approval.
Several tentative agreements reached, next meeting on October 7, 2019.
Discussions continued, comparing coach compensation from various districts. Next meeting scheduled for October 3, 2019.
Discussions recommenced, next meeting on September 12, 2019.
Calendar conflicts coupled with other bargaining unit negotiations prevented negotiations from occurring, with an agreement from District and Association.
Calendar and coaching conflicts prevented negotiations from occurring, with an agreement between District and Association.
Calendar and coaching conflicts prevented negotiations from occurring, with an agreement between District and Association.
Discussion of the salary schedule and contract language continued. Discussion of future meetings occurred, however, due to coaching schedules and other ongoing negotiations, no sessions were scheduled due to calendar conflicts, with an agreement between District and Association.
Initial negotiations meeting held, a discussion of interests occurred, future meeting dates scheduled.
Timeline of Activities: 2019 PSE Bargaining (completed)
School Board approved the collective bargaining agreement as presented. The duration of the contract is September 1, 2019, through August 31, 2022.
Assembled PSE members ratified the collective bargaining agreement as presented by PSE leadership. The agreement will go to the school board for approval at their September 23, 2019, meeting.
A tentative agreement was reached. PSE leadership will bring forward the agreement to its membership. Potential ratification and board approval could occur in early September.
Negotiation sessions were held on August 14 and August 15, with proposals exchanged. The next session is scheduled for August 20, 2019.
Negotiations occurred July 24 and July 25. Multiple tentative agreements have been reached related to a mutual interest in language changes, including headings and subheadings throughout the agreement. The next session is scheduled for August 7, 12-7:30 p.m. NOTE: Next meeting postponed to August 14 and 15.
Negotiations were held July 18, 2019. Twelve tentative agreements were reached around language proposals. Next session is July 24, 2019.
Negotiations were held July 17, 2019. Three tentative agreements were reached, and contract language revision suggestions were shared. Next session is July 18, 2019.
Negotiations continued, four tentative agreements reached. Next session is July 17, 2019.
PSE and CSD met and made tentative agreements on two items. The next session is scheduled for July 11 from 9 AM – 4 PM.
PSE and CSD met for an initial bargaining session. Ground rules were discussed. Next session is scheduled for July 10.
Timeline of Activities: 2018 CAEOP Bargaining (completed)
CAEOP and CSD met separately with the mediator. CAEOP accepted CSD proposal and a tentative agreement was reached. Contract ratified on February 12.
CAEOP and CSD met separately with the mediator. CSD provided the latest offer (linked below).
The next mediation date is scheduled for January 25. Meeting rescheduled to February 5.
CAEOP and CSD met separately with the mediator. CSD provided the latest offer (linked below).
The next mediation date is scheduled for February 1.
CAEOP and CSD met. CSD shared a response to questions from CAEOP as well as the latest offer (linked below).
CSD Response to CAEOP November 26, 2018
CSD Proposal November 29, 2018
Mediation has been requested. Next meeting: TBD.
CAEOP and CSD met. Both sides exchanged proposals, no change occurred related to the 16 of 18 items tentatively agreed upon. Discussion about compensation and open items will continue.
- 2018-2019 10% wage increase, amounts to over $4,700 annual increase for a full-time secretary at the top wage
- 2019-2020 2% wage increase, amounts to over $1,000 annual increase for a full-time secretary at the top wage
- 2020-2021 1% wage increase, amounts to over $500 annual increase for a full-time secretary at the top wage
Next meeting is scheduled for November 29.
CAEOP and CSD met. CAEOP withdrew one item, resulting in 16 of 18 items tentatively agreed upon. CSD is taking letters from unit members under advisement and will confer with district leadership before responding. Discussion about compensation and open items will continue.
CSD’s latest proposal #2
- 2018-2019 9% wage increase, amounts to over $4,200 annual increase for a full-time secretary
- 2019-2020 2% wage increase, amounts to over $1,000 annual increase for a full-time secretary
- 2020-2021 1% wage increase, amounts to over $500 annual increase for a full-time secretary
Annual education stipend of $1,040 – $1,560, pro-rated by FTE, for approved training programs or education directly related to the job classification. This has already been tentatively agreed to.
Next meeting is scheduled for November 13.
CAEOP and CSD met. Salary proposals exchanged between CAEOP and CSD, both for three-year agreements. CAEOP withdrew one item, totaling 15 of 18 items tentatively agreed upon. No other agreements reached. Discussion about compensation and open items will continue. Both CAEOP and CSD reserve the option to revert to previous offers if package not accepted.
CAEOP and CSD met. Salary proposals exchanged between CAEOP and CSD. CAEOP reintroduced two items previously withdrawn, resulting in 15 of 19 items tentatively agreed upon. Discussion about compensation and open items will continue. Both CAEOP and CSD reserve the option to revert to previous offers if package not accepted.
CAEOP and CSD met. Following the conclusion of CEA bargaining and after awaiting for WEA Uniserve Representative to be available, negotiations commenced. Salary proposals exchanged between CAEOP and CSD, both for three-year agreements. Tentative agreement reached on one more item, resulting in 15 of 17 items tentatively agreed upon. Discussion about compensation and open items will continue.
CAEOP and CSD met. Discussion continued on items, tentative agreement reached on two more items, resulting in 14 of 17 items tentatively agreed upon. Compensation conversations set aside as before.
CAEOP and CSD met. The district presented budget information, including funding under the new state model and expected parameters for salary negotiations. Two items were withdrawn by CAEOP and one was tentatively agreed upon, totally 12 of 17 items tentatively agreed upon. Compensation conversations set aside as before.
CAEOP and CSD met, tentative agreements reached on eight more items, totaling 11 of 19 items originally presented. Compensation conversations set aside as before.
CAEOP and CSD met, tentative agreements reached on three of the 19 discussion items. Compensation conversations set aside as before.
CAEOP and CSD initial session, CAEOP presented 19 items for discussion, including compensation and suggestion for a three-year agreement. Compensation conversations set aside while awaiting final budget allocations and rules related to compensation to be established by legislators.
Timeline of Activities: 2018 Unpresented, Non-Administrative Staff (completed)
The district has decided upon a 7% wage increase for 2018-19, with a second-year option.
Timeline of Activities: 2018 CAP Bargaining (completed)
CAP members met and voted to accept the compensation package, ratifying the contract through June 30, 2020.
CSD and CAP met to discuss compensation. The CSD extended a two-year compensation package.
CSD and CAP met to discuss compensation. The CSD extended a two-year compensation package.
Timeline of Activities: 2018 CEA Bargaining (completed)
District and Camas Education Association (CEA) leadership teams continue to negotiate through mediation. The district is working towards the benchmarks CEA shared for starting salary (approximately $50,000) and top salary (mid to upper $90,000s) in their editorial Thursday, 8/30/18, in the Camas-Washougal Post-Record.
Teams come to a tentative agreement on September 2. Agreement ratified by CEA membership September 3.
District and CEA agree to mediation.
CSD presents proposal #5
- 2018-19: Starting – $48,866, Average $78,803, Top – $92,104
- 2019-20: Starting – $50,000, Average $80,632, Top – $94,242
CEA counters with CEA #4
- CSD presented proposal #4.
- CEA presented counterproposal #3.
CEA made a proposal #2.
CSD posed clarifying questions.
CEA rejected CSD proposal #3 and provided counter-proposal 1(a).
CSD provided counter-proposal (3) to CEA 1(a).
- Increased base salary 27.2% (2017-18 TRI amount of 22.7% + salary increases)
- Maintained professional learning package
- Increased Supplemental Contracts by 3.1% based on previous salary allocation model
- CSD proposes to align the curriculum rate increase to the eventual settled overall package % increase
CSD provided proposal
At the August 2 negotiation meeting, CEA shared this document. Below are the key points and responses from the Camas School District.
- CEA Statement: The proposal CEA provided, based on our unique staff mix, cost $37 .57 million in 2018-19 while compressing the schedule to 10 years, standardizing steps at 4.1% (cumulative) per year step, and 4.0% {cumulative} per lane, includes three voluntary in-service days, one mandatory in-service day, and 3.1% TRI. The 2019-20 Salary only increases by rolling the current insurance pool allocation into salary. This costs an additional (approximate) $110,000. Within these parameters, we believe that this proposal is affordable and sustainable.
- CSD Response: The cost of CEA’s proposal assumes we will employ 432 FTE’s. Our actual staffing level in 2018/2019 is expected to be 452 FTE’s.
- CEA Statement: Based on the figures provided by {Business Services Director} Jasen McEathron, the 2018-19 cost for instructional salaries is $35 million: The schedule proposed by the district follows the same step and. Lane multipliers/indexes (with the exception of a few indexes to meet the minimum increase in early-career educator salary) as the former state SAM and maintains the same number of steps and lanes. This proposal eliminated TRI and maintained three voluntary in-service days separate from the standard schedule.
- CSD Response: The district’s proposal reflects the intent of the Legislature. For continuity and to ensure employees are held harmless the same salary allocation model was proposed. Base salaries were increased by 26.2% to convert the existing 22.7% TRI into base salary and extend an overall wage increase. The starting base salary exceeds the statutory minimum, 3 existing Inservice days are retained as well as the $1,000 Professional Development stipend, which will be paid as supplemental contracts beyond base salary.
- CEA Statement: Our proposals differ by $2.57 million in total cost.
- CSD Response: The district budget reflects certificated instructional salaries of $35 million, based upon employing 452 FTE’s. CEA’s proposal assumes a staffing level of 423 FTE’s, therefore the proposal differences are larger than $2,57 million. Using CEA’s assumed staffing level of 423 FTE’s, the actual difference between the proposals is $4.08 million. Applying this difference of 12.19% to the district’s budgeted salaries of $35 million, CEA’s proposal would cost an additional $4.27 million for 452 FTE’s.
- CEA Statement: We interpret the District’s proposal as maintenance of the status quo, where many employees will not reach increases in compensation, and those who do will see increases less than 3.1 %. Further, the schedule as proposed by the district will. result in some employees suffering decreases in pay in 2019-20.
- CSD Response: The district’s proposal for one year ensures each employee receives a pay increase for 2018/2019. Attempts to discuss the modeling of salary schedule changes in 2019/2020 were not productive in negotiations. The district remains open to the potential of settling a two-year agreement on compensation.
- CEA Statement: We built our initial proposal based on OSPI multi-year models (April 2018) which indicated the district would be receiving a sum of $87.06 million in total state and local funding in 2018-19. In Jasen McEathron’s report to the board in July 2018, the budgeted 2018-19 total revenue is $94.43 million. CEA built a proposal on the OSPI multi-year model, and current district projection suggests an additional $7 million more in revenue than the projections upon which we built our proposal.
- CSD Response: The OSPI model referred to by CEA is a high-level estimating tool that provides limited information and only forecasts state apportionment and local levy revenues. The district budgeted revenue of $94.43 million includes actual enrollment forecasts, federal revenues, and local non-tax revenues. Our district budget is reviewed by ESD112 and OSPI as well.
- CEA Statement: Based on the enacting of the new legislation, OSPI reports (April 2018) that the district will be receiving a minimum of 26% more in state allocation for certificated instructional staff. While local levy collection will decrease, it will be more than offset by the increase in state allocation.
- CSD Response: The increase in state funding is reflected in the increase in base salary of 26.2%, as aforementioned above #2. The district will be exhausting ALL state funding in 2018/2019 and using local levy revenues to continue to employ positions beyond what the state funds. The new legislation is reducing our local levy revenues by 50% in the calendar year 2019, which we will be used to fund positions and pay beyond the state allocation, 100% of extra-curricular activities, and subsidize underfunded areas of Special Education, Student Transportation, Food Services.
- CEA Statement: State Superintendent Chris Reykdal, settlements throughout the state which exceed the 3.1% cap (as viewable here) and management attorney Buzz Porter from Porter, Foster Rorick, LLP all the district’s .contention that there is a statutory 3.1% cap on salary increases. local salaries are subject to local bargaining and are not subject to a perceived cap.
- CSD Response: The district has carefully considered all aspects of the new legislation, sought legal counsel from leading law firms in the State of Washington, and other education system partners. We continue to challenge ourselves and others in interpreting the law. Ultimately, it is incumbent upon district leadership to follow legal counsel advice as we navigate the new legislation. We take these moral and ethical responsibilities seriously, as we believe that is the expectation of our community.
- CEA Statement: Due to regionalization factors, Camas will be receiving 12% above the state average allocation for salary dollars, based on the state’s recognition of the cost of living in our community.
- CSD Response: The legislature in responding to McCleary had to ensure districts were not harmed by the new funding formula. One of the key mechanisms was the deployment of regionalization factors to districts. For districts such as Camas that were already paying higher salaries through generous TRI packages and that were significantly impacted by the levy cap of $1.50 per $1,000; the legislature used regionalization as a means of holding Camas harmless. The basic state salary allocation of $65,216 for 2018/2019 is significantly lower than our current average salary of $71,525; as a result, the legislature applied a 12% regionalization factor to increase our per unit funding to $73,042. The district’s current proposal will cost approximately $74,075 per teacher for base salary. The district will be using local levy dollars to fund additional positions and pay of approximately $6.3 million districtwide and an estimated $2.2 million to cover the underfunded Special Education program in which many of our certificated instructional staff provide services to our most vulnerable students.
CSD provided proposal
- Increased base salary 26.2% (2017-18 TRI amount of 22.7% + salary increases)
- Maintained professional learning package
CEA rejected proposal
CSD provided financial analysis including
- State funding average salary, funding per FTE
CSD provided bargaining interests
CEA presented proposal
CSD provided interests
CSD asked to review the proposal
Clarification of parameters
OSPI Provided Resources
From Superintendent Reykdal:
“Following communication with our legal counsel, the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC), and the State Auditor’s Office, please consider the following as formal guidance from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) as you proceed with your work to implement provisions of EHB 2242 (2017) and E2SSB 6362 (2018), the ‘McCleary bills.'”
“Your practical limitation on collective bargaining is your ability to fund compensation increases in the short-term AND your ability to sustain those increases. Not every district will have an equal opportunity to provide compensation increases with double-digit percentages.”
- OSPI Releases Guidance Regarding Salaries and Financial Accountability (8/22/18)
- OSPI provided tools to assess school districts’ risk factors for compensation sustainability. Four factors were identified. Camas School District has all four factors (fewer than 10% of the 295 districts, had all four factors). Camas was also identified as the highest teacher average salary for Clark County in 2017-18.
2017-18 Salaries for Certificated Staff
Contracts settled from around the state during the summer of 2018 8/7/18 (Sources: WEA/Employee Relations & Negotiations Network)
Washington State School Directors’ Association Executive Director Statement, 8/29/18
Editorial from WASA: Information about the changes in the state funding model and the impact on districts. (http://billsblog-wasa.weebly.com/blog-entries/let-experience-be-the-judge)
WEA provided resources (https://www.washingtonea.org/ourvoice/):
- “Here’s the map that shows the best contract settlements so far.”
- McCleary and School Funding
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