Entities Outside the CSD

Camas School District cooperates with community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing materials electronically via Peachjar to district families.

To request flyer approval, follow the steps below.  Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to all parents and posted online.  Paper flyers from outside organizations are not distributed.

  1. IMPORTANT:  Flyers are only approved for non-profit groups located within the CSD boundaries per board policy 4060 and its accompanying procedure.
  2. Flyers are approved and distributed on Thursdays.
  3. Register your account as a Community Organization on Peachjar.com
  4. Review Peachjar’s Guide for Community Organizations for information about discount pricing, flyer creation tips, and more
  5. Go to ‘Post & Notify’ in your account to submit a flyer

After you hit submit, your flyer will automatically submit to the district for approval. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to parents and posted on each school’s web flyer board for your selected duration of time. For more information on the process or pricing, please email support@peachjar.com or call 858-997-2117.

District staff will review the material and approve or deny it based on the policy described above. Peachjar charges outside organizations a fee for this service that is typically less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school.

Peachjar logo

Parent Groups

Your school’s secretary, who is the school Peachjar Site Admin, can upload flyers to the school’s Peachjar account.  You can send your flyers to the Site Admin for uploading.  The Site Admin is also in charge of assigning uploading privileges to others. Please contact that individual if you would like to request uploading privileges. Once uploading privileges are assigned to you, an auto-generated email is sent to you with your username and password.

  1. IMPORTANT:  Read the CSD Flyer Approval Policy and Procedure
  2. Visit the Peachjar Registration Page
  3. Register as a Parent Group (account type)
  4. Upload your flyer for approval